Iridology - Eye Readings

Ask Yourself

Do you know what’s acting in your life?
Do you know why you make certain life choices?
Do you know why you choose the partners you do?

The answers are found in your eyes. Together, we will uncover the source and find the keys to unlocking your true potential in life and freedom from emotional discomfort.

Let’s find your true path to fulfilling your heart’s desire!

How does it work?

A primer video on how our version of Iridology works.

What to expect in an Eye Reading session

Typically 1.5 to 2 hours, an eye reading session involves high-resolution photos taken with a special camera, which are used to see patterns that we explore together. The iris is a reflex of your body via the nervous system and we learn what your physical body is revealing via the subconscious mind and where the emotional source comes from.

You will come away with a renewed sense of your own relationship to self, loved ones, friends and work colleagues, past experiences and your TRUE calling in life.

Get in Touch

Let me know how you would like to experience your eye reading.
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